Showing 401 - 425 of 10,122 Results
Cour de Louis Xiv by Imbert De Saint-Amand, Arth... ISBN: 9783849128524 List Price: $24.99
Cour de Louis Xiv by Imbert De Saint-Amand, Arth... ISBN: 9783849139520 List Price: $34.99
Count Frontenac and New France under Louis Xiv by Parkman, Francis ISBN: 9781275787087 List Price: $37.75
The Little King: A Story of the Childhood of Louis XIV, King of France by Charles Major ISBN: 9781434431561 List Price: $19.99
Rodomont : A Romance of Mont St. Michel in the Days of Louis Xiv by Bedford-Jones, H. ISBN: 9781434414489 List Price: $13.95
Voyage Fait Par Ordre Du Roy Louis Xiv, Dans La Palestine, Vers Le Grand Emir, Chef Des Prin... by Laurent d' Arvieux, La Roque ISBN: 9781249999560 List Price: $37.75
Works of Voltaire : Age of Louis Xiv... by Voltaire, Smollett, Tobias,... ISBN: 9781277093223 List Price: $32.75
Science and Rationalism in the Government of Louis Xiv, 1661-1683 by King, James E. ISBN: 9781258005917 List Price: $51.95
Memoirs of Louis Xiv and His Court and of the Regency by De Rouvroy, Louis ISBN: 9781434423030 List Price: $19.99
Memoirs of Louis Xiv and His Court and of the Regency by De Rouvroy, Louis ISBN: 9781434423023 List Price: $19.99
Louis Xiv et la Hollande by Fallet, Celine ISBN: 9781241465728 List Price: $35.75
Under Pressure : The ministers of state of Louis XIV, 1688 To 1700 by Devore, Audrey Dorothea ISBN: 9781243724106 List Price: $69.00
Jeunesse de Louis Xiv; Com�die en Cinq Actes en Prose, Interdite a Paris Par la Censure by Dumas, Alexandre ISBN: 9781178836509 List Price: $30.75
Histoire de Louis Xiv : Depuis la Mort du Cardinal Mazarin en 1661, Jusqu'� la Paix de Nim�g... by Pellisson-Fontanier, Paul ISBN: 9781178881202 List Price: $34.75
French King's Memorial to the Emperor of Germany by France. Sovereign (1643-171... ISBN: 9781178701364 List Price: $15.75
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz, Containing All the Great Events During the Minority of Loui... by Retz, Jean François Paul de... ISBN: 9781140817062 List Price: $32.75
Siecle de Louis Xiv Publie Par M de Francheville Suivant la Copie de Berlin by Voltaire ISBN: 9781140838593 List Price: $33.75
Siecle de Louis Xiv Publié Par M de Francheville la Seconde Edition by Voltaire ISBN: 9781140843825 List Price: $37.75
Siecle de Louis Xiv Publié Par M de Francheville la Seconde Edition by Voltaire ISBN: 9781140843832 List Price: $39.75
Lettres de Louis Xiv Aux Princes de L'Europe, À Ses Généraux, Ses Ministres, and C Recueilli... by Louis Xiv, King Of France ISBN: 9781140933540 List Price: $19.75
Siecle de Louis Xiv V2, Part by Voltaire ISBN: 9781165971091 List Price: $33.56
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